Our Manifesto
Lily Valley is a non profit preschool and our main goal is to provide the best overall education experience for children. Children, teachers, and parents are all part of the community, and the existence of the school is only to serve and benefit the children. The school community, which consists of children, families and staff makes decisions based on voting consensus through technology.
Corporate Transparency
To transform education through consensus and transparency by the community using technology
How is Lily Valley’s re-investment different from other schools?
True Non-profit
By full financial data transparency: Lily Valley’s overall expenditure shall be public information listed on the website. All major spending budget and revenues shall be voted in by the community. Revenues will all be re-invested into the children, the faculty and school facilities.
True community driven
Parents and faculties will get a voice to decide matters. From summer camp proposals to adding an extra curriculum and from major school facilities to faculties incentives. This can all be decided through our voting structure. True consensus by embracing technology: The old way of reaching consensus through a board meeting and face-to-face meetings have proven to be extremely inefficient and time-consuming. Lily Valley will progress this by embracing technology using a forum-based proposal voting structure, combined with delegated voting capacities and online quorum meetings to reach out consensus. This will allow for the execution of smaller proposals.
● You may obtain a copy of the Lily Valley Foundation Manfesto from our school office for further information and reading.